Thursday, March 31, 2005

My Stupid Cat and Blogs

Did the Stitching Blogger's Question this morning via email - but it still hasn't been posted. Got a bounce back from blogger just now it said:

(expanded from
): Command died with status 1: "IFS=' '&&exec
/home/bloggermail/processmail2||exit 75 #bloggermail"

What the **** does that mean??

And now my silly cat is sitting outside the door wanting "in" but instead of just doing the sensible thing and pushing it open, he's sitting outside occasionally complaining and then a foot comes in and pulls the door towards him, in the process trapping his paw in the door.....

Oh he's just figured it out now. He finally pushed it open......


1 comment:

Jenn L in Chicago said...

What the *** that means is that Blogger is completely and totally fubar and has been for quite some time. I can't get into my Dashboard at all, I can only sporadically comment, and there are some Blogger feeds that I can ONLY read through my Bloglines subscriptions. I don't know if my post-by-email is working...