Do you frame your cross stitch yourself or do you take it to a professional
framer? Why?
I usually frame my work myself. However I have used a professional framer
for one project that was especially previous to me, and that was my late
Aunt's Elephants which I finished off for her after she died. I was too
scared of making a mess of it myself.
In the past, I did get my cousin to build a frame for the Cats in the Hats.
He used to do technical drawing so he was the ideal person to cut out mounts
as well. He cut the mount for Mount Fuji - at the end of last year, I had
to cut the matching mount for the Amalfi Coast project and I realised then
what a difficult thing it was to get the curve right.
In your opinion, what are the advantages and/or disadvantages of putting
your work behind glass when you frame it?
The advantages of framing, is that it keeps the work clean, gives you an
excuse to display it and if you use coloured mounts you can really set it
off well. I think the only disadvantage of framing is squishing beads or
charms if you've attached them.