Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Hand Dyed Problem

I moved my q-snap frame on Sunday night so that I start stitching the 4 border areas for the Stitching Blogger's Round Robin. Small problem: the sun has faded the material (my lowery stands next to the window) over the course of 3-4 weeks so now the material that was protected under the frame edges is a different colour from the rest of it. I've got a lilac/pink theme going here. I'm hoping that on exposure to more light during the course of it's stitching journey around the world that the material will all fade to the same colour.

Has anyone else experienced colour fading like this with hand-dyeds?


Thermalgal said...

I've had similar issues, but mine were because of the pressure from the Qsnap (and it happened after less than a week in the frame). Over time the different decreased, but I had to scrap the fabric and start over.

Vash said...

The good news is that the lilac patches seem to be fading to pink like the rest of the material.

Anonymous said...

so that the dyed colors do not bleach is recommended to wash the fabric with salt and to use javon with ph neutral