Thursday, October 13, 2005

3:00 AM Litter Box Accident

Well it's 5:00 am and I'm awake and blogging?

What woke me up? Well Jade decided to use his litter box at about 3:30 am and I guess he sort of stumbled and fell out of it. I wondered what the clatter was as it woke me up. Then he started meowing. Not the usual "give me attention" meows, more a sort of "what the hell has happened here?" sort of meow.

More awake now I turn the light on and see what has actually happened. The whole litter box is upside down and is completely upended spilling it's entire contents beneath itself. How the f*** did he manage to do that?

So there I am, 4:00 am sweeping everything back up into the box including the wet litter that he's just peed on. Some of it is still sticking to the floor - but I'm not going to start hoovering at 4:00 am!



Renee said...

OMG! I couldn't help it, I laughed through the whole post! That totally sounds like something that would happen to me!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I understand that is was not funny at that time of day (or should I say night?) but it gave me good giggles though.

I just can't understand how your cat managed to do that... O.o

But cats are cats... got to love them. >^..^<

Leeland said...

Hi vash! I laughed all alone in front of my computer! Cats can be such a disaster sometimes... Mine did the same, but it was with the gerbils' cage (which is more understandable, unless there was a mouse in her litter...), and they were very lucky we were there to save their lives!!!
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